Over the years Carbohydrates have received a bad reputation for being unhealthy. Many celebrities who want to lose weight will cut carbohydrates entirely from their diets. No-carb diets have become a bit of a fad and followed by the masses. Do carbs cause obesity?
The plain and straightforward answer to this is ‘no.’ Overindulging in any food type might result in gaining unwanted weight. Even though low-carb diets can benefit specific individuals, it’s not necessarily required to avoid all foods that are high in carbs.
What are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Carbs refer to the starches, fibers, and sugars found in different foods. They can be found in fruits and vegetables, bread, nuts, pasta, and milk products.
Consuming carbohydrates will give you the much-needed micronutrients that your body use to obtain calories. Therefore, carbs are the body’s primary source of energy. The day before a marathon, athletes will load up on their carbohydrates in the form of pasta, bananas, and milk smoothies to optimize their energy levels.
Misconceptions About Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates turn into fat. It’s true that if you consume too many carbohydrates without exercising you will gain weight. High-carb foods give the body energy, and energy needs to be burned for it to disappear. If you are consuming high-carb foods without exercising, chances are your body will store that energy to use when you are going to need it.
Foods with carbs aren’t all equally created. Fast foods and junk foods usually contain high sugar, processed produce, and refined grains. Carbs in junk foods are fattening and unhealthy when consumed daily.
There are healthy carbohydrates, and they can be found in fiber-rich and whole wheat foods. When you make healthy carbs part of your diet, you will feel energized and healthy.
Why Do We Need Carbohydrates?
Healthy Carbohydrates should be part of our everyday diet. It’s recommended that your daily calorie intake should consist of 45%-65% of carbohydrates. Not only do carbohydrates give us the energy to be more active, but it also fuels our central nervous system.
Carbs prevent our bodies from using protein as an energy source in effect; this enables a healthy fat fighting metabolism.
Once you go onto a low-carb or no-carb diet, your body burns much-needed proteins. This kind of food is not sustainable, and once you move onto a regular diet, your body will go into auto-pilot continuing to burn protein instead of carbohydrates. In effect, you will start gaining weight.
According to the URAC (American Accreditation HealthCare Commission):
“Your body quickly turns carbohydrates into a sugar called glucose. This raises your blood sugar, or blood glucose level. Most foods that contain carbohydrates are nutritious and are an important part of a healthy diet. The goal is not to limit carbohydrates in the diet completely, but to make sure that you are not eating too many. Eating a regular amount of carbohydrates throughout the day can help keep your blood sugar level steady.”
Five Super Healthy High-Carb Foods
Many foods are rich in carbohydrates and are highly recommended for anyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle. Here are the top five:
Oats – Raw oats is a healthy whole grain food that contains 66% carbohydrates. It’s a delicious source of protein that can be enjoyed as breakfast. Oats contain minerals, antioxidants, and many vitamins.
Bananas – These delicious fruits are made out of 23% sugar and starch carbohydrates. They are high in vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Bananas serve as a great energy source during workouts and can be eaten as a snack in between meals.
Sweet Potatoes – Both sweet and nutritious, these vegetables contain 18%-21% carbohydrates in the form of fiber, sugar, and starch. A great alternative to potatoes, the sweet potato can be cooked, baked, or boiled. They are rich in vitamins A and C and potassium.
Blueberries – From the berry food group, blueberries are seen as a superfood due to their richness in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, manganese, and plant compounds. They are mostly water but also contain 14.5% carbohydrates.
Apples – Their crunchy and fresh texture make apples a popular fruit. Most apple groups contain 13-15% carbs. They are a great source of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.
It’s totally untrue that carbohydrates cause obesity. Being mindful of your carbohydrate intake will provide you with a healthy mind and body that’s filled with energy. Eating the correct carbs and living a healthy lifestyle will get you in tip-top shape in no time.