After giving birth, going back to your average weight is a big struggle for most women. Being a caregiver and following a new routine is a difficult task on its own. However, a healthy weight is substantial after delivery if you desire to have other children again and lead a better lifestyle.
To know how to eliminate your post-partum weight you first need to learn what it is. Research carried out by the Institute of Medicine indicates that during the pregnancy period, women with healthy weight add between 25-35 pounds.
The constituents of this weight gain are the placenta, the fetus, amniotic fluid, extra blood, more fat stores, the breast tissue, enlargement of the uterus, and also fat. The role of the excess fats is to store the energy that will be needed to push the baby out at birth and for breastfeeding.
Baby weight is the excess weight that women will gain that results in excess fat in their bodies.
Consequences of baby weight
- It increases the chances of being overweight
- It increases vulnerability to conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases
- It puts you at risk of pregnancy complications
- It heightens the risks for those women that suffer from gestational diabetes
The following is a guide on how to shed off that extra baby weight.
Be Realistic
Many YouTube tutorials and magazine articles will make you believe that it is such an easy thing, shedding off that baby weight. The truth is, it will take a lot of time and effort. A study found out that after a period of 12 months, women kept about 1 to 7 lbs of their weight during pregnancy.
The amount of weight you will shed will depend on how much you added during the pregnancy. It is essential to have realistic expectations of losing, on average, 4.5 kg over 1-2 years after childbirth. If the weight you gained was more, your post-pregnancy weight might likely be more substantial than your pre-pregnancy one.
If you maintain a regular workout routine and a healthy diet, you will be able to achieve your desired weight loss level. Even though the weight you shed off after childbirth varies, the most vital thing is to go back to a healthy weight range. The process will take time, commitment, and patience. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t criticize your new body. Give yourself time and remember what an incredible feat your body preformed.
Avoid Crash Diets
A crash diet is a diet with low-calorie levels. This diet aims to help in shedding a lot of weight in a short time. After childbirth, your body will need proper nutrition for healing and recovery. Also, breastfeeding women require higher calorie levels for the baby.
A crash diet lacks the essential nutrients for your body. It will leave you tired and compound to other issues such as being sleep-deprived and taking care of your baby.
Reducing calorie intake into your body by 500 calories daily will help you lose weight safely (one pound weekly). For instance, a woman that consumes 2300 calories daily can reduce her calorie intake by 300 calories daily, and through exercise, burn 200 extra. In total, that makes a 500 calorie reduction. Research has shown that for lactating mothers, this amount of weight loss does not negatively affect the baby’s growth or milk production.
It is not recommended for lactating mothers to feed on crash diets. However, reducing your daily calorie intake by 500kcal is safe, assuming your previous daily intake was above 2000.
Breastfeeding greatly benefits your baby: Breastmilk has all the nutrients that your baby will need for growth during the first six months of her or his life. It also has the necessary antibodies that will help your newborn fight bacteria and viruses and lowers the risk of the many diseases in infants.
But that’s not all. Research shows that breastfeeding also benefits the mother: it will help your uterus reduce in size and go back to its original state, and reduce the risk of the many diseases. Compared to those who don’t, women that breastfeed are unlikely to be attacked by type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.
Breastfeeding will also support your weight loss journey. During the first three months, however, some women may not lose weight at all or experience weight gain. This is attributed to the increased intake of calories.
It is crucial to note that choosing the best way to feed your baby has many factors to it, including emotional and operational. Your mental health and overall functioning should always be top priorities.
Weight loss after pregnancy can be a real struggle. the first year after bringing new life to the world can be overwhelming in many aspects. It is understandable to want your pre-baby body back, but the most important thing is your mental and physical health. With patience and balance, the desired results are possible, without compromising on your well-being.